Safety first

Plast’s staff works in a healthy and safe space, in total respect of the highest safety standards. The most important thing for the Group  is to guarantee a good quality of work, which equals a favorable quality of life.


To work for a sustainable business is a must for Plast.

A yearly based program with action plan, KPI’s and ongoing monitoring activities are settled in order to reduce our footprint and improve our performances.

As a result of the investments in this field, since 2014 Plast has halved the energy consumption needed in production and released 780 tonnes less carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the equivalent amount of CO2 that 12,897 new trees would sequester in 10 years!

100% of the energy consumption in Plast srl comes from renewables!


People training and involvement is the key of othe Group’s success. Daily, weekly and monthly meetings are performed with the staff in order to plan, act and check the activities and possible improvements.

The employees come from 10 countries and 4 continents, a multicultural environment based on mutual respect.

Customer Satisfaction

The Group is active 24h per day, 255 days per year, to deliver top quality products to the 28 factories of the customers all around the world.

PRIVACY - COOKIE POLICY : Plast -- Drakuplast -- Euromoulding